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  • How To Mirayi 101: Volume 2

    Once again, we’re back with a Part 2 (of team intro, but Part 3 of Mirayi as a whole, buuuttttt anyway-) and now we return with the next batch, which are - Lighting and Rendering! (yeass, this is our latest love baby- I mean, IP - Neon Luna; coming to you soon as another project) We have Animation and Assets, so of course now we’re off onto the next two teams who are equally crucial to animation as a whole. Introducing - Lighting and Rendering! (Those who know shall know, it’s here for the meme purpose and disclaimer: it’s JoJo, totally not affiliated to us at all.) Lighting Hmm In a sure-hit way where you can equally understand it, even on the animation side - it works just like how photography or filmography or cinematography would do it. Basically, the same concept. To be more precise, what Lighting Artists do would be to set up different combinations of light sources to either place focus on a unique part of the setting, set the overall mood of the scene, or represent the natural properties of the scene. They are, simply, in two words, mood setters. Now for one second, imagine - a happy scene but there’s no light; or a sinister one but with… ahem, neon lights. See the importance of mood setters? Now off to the Rendering Team we head to. … Don’t think there’s any word needed to emphasis on the importance of rendering with the image above. Idea’s there, but of course, a more elaborative explanation will be provided to avoid confusion~ Rendering, or Image Synthesis, is the process of generating 2D or 3D images from a model via software program. And what Render Artists do in precise, would be to feed information such as Animations, Modeling, Texturing, and Lighting into the rendering software, creating the final frame. Simply - the Super Glue sticking everything in place and make sure they fit perfectly *kiss fingers* They are of course, a force to be reckoned with and they should never be messed with - unless you want a pixelated animation be done instead of, you know, perfect 2D or 3D animations~ … Aaaaand it’s yet again another long essay, but since it has covered half of our teams now, I would say it’s still going pretty well. Aha.. ha… 2 more batches, 4 more teams to go; and we will meet again in the same format around this day of next month. Toodles~

  • How To Mirayi 101: Volume 1

    Continuing from where we ended last time, we are now back to talk more about the teams and functions in Mirayi. Look~ All the lengzai lenglui in our Team- Ahem. Animation, Asset, Lighting, Rendering, FX, Compositing , Pre-production, Project Management. For a long time, the eight teams have been working together in order to ensure a quality production. And of course, it will be an unchangeable fact as each team works well on their own and as a family, and to each of its own, an important role to play as lacking any one of it can be detrimental. … Okay, that’s a bad take from the original one, but the basics are laid out - which is the introduction to the production teams in Mirayi. Anyway, this time around, we will be featuring our very own production team… which sadly might be another time we will be dividing into parts since… this is not a novel, so for a shorter reading experience, dividing into parts would be the better way to go. First of all, we have the Animation Team. Animation, or in a more laid out understanding, is the process of controlling figures so that they will move rather than remaining as yet another still image you can find on the internet. And so, those that do all of this are called Animators - they who add the spirit into the characters through animating them. A still image, and an animated one. Things will really be different just from the fact it’s still or moving. Not to mention, we are an animation studio after all, so what’s the point of animation without the very process of even animating it? If you need an even more simple “visual” understanding, just imagine a puppeteer and its puppets, but instead of a physical one you get a visual, drawing one happening on the screen instead~ … Animation as a whole of course doesn’t end with just that. Don’t you think it’s way too empty and not as lively if it’s only characters moving and nothing in the back? And so, that’s where Asset steps in. The word ‘Asset’ can be understood just by its own words, but if we put it in a more elaborate way - it’s the accessories or items that go hand-in-hand with the animation. Every one of it. Like, Graphics, 3D Models, SFX, Music, Vehicles, Head-up Displays (HUD), icons, etc items within an animation. And so, without assets, you can just see how things can be form the image above- With the above explanation of what Assets are, it would be easier to understand what Asset Artists do - and that would be to Maintain and index a detailed list of all assets that the animators will need and require of to access during production. Now come, chant with me - No Asset, No Life for Animations. Since, without all the Assets, you won’t be able to watch animations with the same feeling and thoughts. So, it’s not really a stretch to call them the backbone to animations? Each to its own, is quite the important and core team in every way, and by covering only 2 of them this time DOESN’T MEAN I’M BEING BIAS OR PLAYING FAVORITISM. It’s just simply because… … Well other than the above two, there’s still four more teams to talk about but… Yes, I admit, I’m too talkative to let it end this soon- And so, next update shall we meet again to talk about the other teams. Quite the sudden one, but it could only end here as this is getting too long ←_← Till next time we shall meet again, ciao~

  • A Whole New Passage

    May 25. Quite the normal and yet, a special day for us. If you’re wondering what day it is - it’s actually the very day that Mirayi is born! A total of 17 years ever since our foundation till date, with a total of innumerable projects done until now. Not much has been shared about us, but things are never too late so as long it happens, right?~ On that note, today would certainly be the best time for us to share our stuff out to you. Without further ado, it is high time we introduce ourselves to you! So, who are we? What is Mirayi? And all the questions that go along that line? First up, on the matter of who - we are Mirayi, and what we do best is providing animation outsourcing services for the clients, as well as IP development of our own. For you to better understand and feel at home with us, the projects that we’ve participated in and done outsourcing services for included large IPs like Nezha, Pokemon: Bidoof’s Big Stand, and many more that you can refer to here; while the IPs we’ve developed and you might be familiar with would be Mask Masters and Neon Luna - a new IP that we’ve been sharing out lately! With all the basic introductions laid out, let’s now move on to the next part, shall we? Since it’s the day signifying our anniversary, something special needs to be set up to commemorate such a day - and so comes the launching of our blog site. Of all the things we can do, why a blog? The main reason blogging is chosen is because blogging would be a good channel for us to share things out in an elaborate manner - Common knowledge, Fun facts, Industrial news, Company updates, and many more stashes that we have in our pockets. There are other reasons behind it too of course - like building a bridge for us to better communicate and for you to understand us, but ultimately, our reason is just as simple as what is mentioned earlier. Beyond building a deeper relationship and understanding we could have with you, we would also want you to know more about us beyond the surface level. That said, we do have quite some facts and content that we would like to share with you, but alas, the writer is too talkative and this ends up taking so many words for just the basic introduction alone. And so, we will continue to provide you with the info you may need in the update that will happen soon! As we are to bring to you more contents in the future updates, stay tuned, and stay safe. Till the next time we meet, adios!



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